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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy For

At, we take the privacy of our members extremely seriously, meaning that anything given to us during registration is treated with the utmost care. We make sure that any data provided is managed according to the highest levels of security.

The privacy policy you are reading is designed to make transparent how we gather, manage and shield your personal information gathered by the use of our site This also includes any data provided during newsletter sign up or from using our services and products. is entirely owned and run by Quassim Yafai, which acts as the data controller and it is that has the responsibility of securing your personal information, which will be referred to as ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ throughout the rest of this privacy policy.

We are dedicated to making sure your personal privacy remains secure and protected. If we ask you to supply us with particular information that can identify you whilst using our site, you can rest assured that every process involving your data is performed according the rules set down in this privacy policy.

This privacy declaration is effect as of 1st of April 2018

The Reason We Gather Your Information

The information we take is so that we have the necessary information we need to send your periodic newsletter to you. Also, we use your details to make you aware of all the latest offers and available discounts in the fastest possible way, a service we offer at no cost to you.

The Data We Collect

The term ‘Personal Data’ refers to any information that can be used to identify you directly as an individual and does not refer to what’s known as ‘anonymised data’, which can’t be used to identify you.

We might use particular varieties of personal data that may include:

❏ Your gender, title and full name
❏ Your postal and email addresses
❏ Online technical information such as browser type, browser version, plugins, IP address, time zone, locale and Operating System used to access our website
❏ What is known as ‘usage data’ could include data regarding the method you used to view our website and use our services and products
❏ Marketing & Communications data which could include your own particular preferences in reference to what communications you receive from us and our 3rd party partners
❏ We might also aggregate some aspects of your personal data, but none of it will be able to be used to identify you as a person. For example, we often try and evaluate the percentage of our site visitors that use a particular feature or service. Should we link your personal data to aggregated data, it is then also deemed as personal data.

We never gather any sensitive information about you as an individual. The term ‘Sensitive Data’ describes data that contains specifics of your gender, sexual orientation, philosophical or religious beliefs, ethnicity or race, memberships to trade bodies, political affiliations, biometric, genetics and health status. We also never gather data relating to any criminal offences or convictions.

If you decide not to supply us with your data when requested to do so, under the terms of the agreement between yourself and our website, we then might not be able to supply the goods or services found there. If we are unable to supply you with the service ordered or otherwise, we will notify you in due course.

How We Gather your Data

We gather information about you via a number of different methods, which may include:

Any data taken during direct actions, such as through filling out a form, calling us by phone, emailing us or communicating with us in any other ways:

❏ When you subscribe to any of our publications or services
❏ When requesting that we send you marketing materials or other resources
❏ When filling out a survey, taking advantage of a promotion, giving us feedback or entering a prize draw
❏ Automatic interactions when using our website
❏ We obtain this data via the use of server logs, cookies and other, similar types of technology
❏ We might also receive technical data pertaining to you, should you visit any other of our partner sites that use our cookies
❏ We may also receive contact, personal, technical or identity data when you use 3rd party or publicly available information resources

Your Personal Data and How We Utilise It

We will only ever utilise your personal information when we are legally allowed to do so. The most frequent occasions this happens involve:

❏ When we need to in line with our legitimate publicised services or that of one of our 3rd party partners. Your personal consumer rights and interests don’t override these interests
❏ When we are required to comply with a regulatory or legal obligation
❏ Typically speaking, we are not reliant on legal consent for the processing of your personal information, other than when we send you marketing data to you via either WhatsApp or email
❏ You retain the right to remove consent to the receipt of marketing at any time, which you can do by following the unsubscribe links displayed on every newsletter we send you and on other marketing materials we supply. Should you wish to unsubscribe via Whatsapp, you can do so easily by replying to any message with ‘STOP’

What We Use Your Data For

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we regularly email you details about services and offers that are seen by us as appropriate.

The offers, products and services we offer include, but are not limited to:

❏ Top Ten
❏ Free Bingo Freebies
❏ Free Baby Stuff
❏ Competitions
❏ Cheap Calls
❏ Free Cash
❏ Free Make Up
❏ Magazines
❏ Free Mobile Stuff
❏ Free Paid Surveys
❏ Free Pet Food
❏ Free Samples
❏ Free Sim Cards
❏ Free Trials
❏ Free Games

Managing Your Personal Information

You can opt to control the way your personal information is collected in the following ways:

If you are asked to enter your details into a form on our site, you should identify the box that indicates whether you do or do not want your information to be made available to anyone for the purposes of marketing. Should you have already agreed to direct marketing from us before, you can remove your consent at any time via email. will never sell, rent or distribute your personal information to any 3rd party company, although we may use it to send you details of any promotions offered by 3rd parties which we feel that you might be interested in, should you agree to it.

The Reasons We Process Your Personal Data

Listed below is a detailed account of the ways we may use your personal data and the legal aspects of the way we process it. Also listed is an explanation of what our ‘legitimate interests’ represent.

We might process your personal information in more than one lawful way, which is determined by the purpose of the action. If you require more detailed information about the exact legal reasons we process your personal data, please email us.

Marketing Materials

You may receive marketing materials from if:

❏ You have asked for information or signed up to the Newsletter
❏ You ticked the consent box on our website to receive information about offers and deals

Times We May Disclose Your Personal Data

There are times when we may provide access to your personal data to our 3rd party service providers used by and these companies include:

❏ HM Revenue & Customs, authorities or regulators in the UK who demand details of specific activities in certain circumstances
❏ Consultancy service providers we use for system administration, data and IT support
Companies from the legal, banking and auditing sector who provide us with banking, consultancy, insurance, accounting and legal services

All of the 3rd party companies involved in the provision of services listed above and who receive your data are required to respect the sensitivity and security of this personal information and process it in line with the letter of the law. We only permit this type of company to process your personal information for very specific reasons and in a manner compliant with our instructions.

International Transfers

Nations located outside of the EEA (European Economic Area) don’t always provide the same protection to personal data afforded inside it, so the transfer of personal data outside of the EEA is expressly forbidden, unless a very specific set of qualifying criteria is met.

A number of our 3rd party service providers are located outside the EEA, so when we work with them, your personal data may be transferred outside of the aforementioned EEA. Whenever this happens, we do everything we can to ensure that a comparable level of security is used when dealing with your personal information.

The Security of Your Data

At, we have implemented suitable measures of security to stop your personal information from being altered, disclosed, used, lost or accessed without permission.
Amongst these measures are appropriate electronic, managerial and physical procedures to protect the data we gather online.

Also, we restrict access to your personal information to those staff, contractors, agents and other 3rd parties who have a clear need to use this data in line with the services they offer. The processing of this information will only occur as per our specific instructions and is bound by a duty of confidentiality.

We have implemented a set of procedures to address any suspected data breach and part of the process involves notifying you and any relevant regulator where the law requires us to.

The Retention of Data

Your personal information is only retained for as long as it is needed for the reasons it was originally collected for, as well as any reasons relating to accounting, reporting and legal requirements.

In order to determine the right amount of time to retain personal information, we take into account the sensitivity, the nature, the quantity and the potential risk involved in its unauthorised disclosure or use. We also constantly evaluate the methods we use to process your data, to ensure that they are being performed legally and in the most appropriate way.

The law requires that we retain contact, transactional and financial data relating to our customers for six years after they stop being our customers.

There are also circumstances in which you can request that your data be deleted. We may also ‘anonymise’ your personal information, so that it can used for statistical and research purposes. In this instance, the law allows us to use it indefinitely without any further notification to you.

Your Rights Under Law

In some situations, you, the consumer, have rights governed by laws relating to data protection and they include:

❏ To request to gain access to your personal information
❏ To request that your personal information be deleted
❏ To object to your personal information being processed
❏ To withdraw your consent to any use of your personal data
❏ To request the transferral of your personal information
❏ To request that your personal data be corrected

Should you wish that any of the above rights be exercised, please contact us.

There are no costs involved in invoking any of the rights displayed above, but we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee if we believe that your request is excessive, unfounded or repetitive. In severe cases, we reserve the right to not comply with your request.

In order to confirm your identity, you may be asked specific information to determine your right to access the personal data in question or to exercise any of your consumer rights in the list above. This is a necessary level of security to make sure that sensitive data is not disclosed to anyone who has no right to access it. In order to resolve the query quicker, we may contact you to request further details relating to your enquiry.

We aim to respond to legitimate requests inside of a month, but it can sometimes take longer than this if the request is especially complex or there are numerous simultaneous requests being made. In this scenario, we will proceed as quickly as we can and keep you notified throughout the process.

Links to 3rd Parties

You may find 3rd party website links on our site, to other companies we feel you may find interesting. However, the moment you leave our website to visit a 3rd party website, it is important to understand that we have no control over the site you are going to.

For this reason, we cannot be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any data given out whilst visiting these sites, as they do not fall under the governance of this privacy statement. You should proceed carefully and check out the the relevant privacy policy statement of the 3rd party website.

The Way Cookies are Used

The overwhelming majority of professional websites utilise cookies, which are small files your computer downloads to speed up access and improve your experience on the website in question.

These cookies can only be downloaded once you have given permission and they help with the analysis of website traffic, meaning the next time you visit said site, it loads quicker and you experience is a faster one. Cookies allow information to be gathered in relation to your own specific set of behaviours and preferences tailoring your experience of the site to you. offers email subscriptions and newsletter services for which cookies are used to identify if you have priorly registered and to display specific notifications, which may only apply to either new or already subscribed users.

We utilise traffic log cookies to determine which website pages are being used and this allow us to analyse this information and optimise our website to our customers’ needs. This information is only used for purposes of statistical analysis and then the information is disposed of.

Generally speaking, cookies allow us to offer a better website experience, permitting us to see which aspects of our website you find useful and which you don’t. Cookies offer nothing by way of access to your computer or anything that can be used to identify you as an individual.

In some special circumstances, cookies may be used from other, trusted 3rd party partner websites.

When prompted to, you can either opt in or choose to decline the use of cookies. There are some web browsers that don’t ask you first, but by entering the settings, you can configure any given browser to decline cookies. However, doing this may stop you from making full use of all the features on

Contact Us

Email address:

B70 9LJ

It is vital that the data we keep about you is up to date and accurate. You can make us aware of any changes in your personal information by emailing us at or by filling in our contact form